Construction Supervision

Service Details

We carry out construction quality control of repair work.

The need for construction control arises during the construction of objects of any type. Thanks to him, the customer can make sure that all work is done properly and in compliance with the stated deadlines, the quality of building materials meets the standards, and the costs correspond to the real estimate.

The main objectives of construction supervision are:

  • Ensuring the proper quality of construction work. Unfortunately, the competence and conscientiousness of the performer is not always possible to assess in advance. It is not uncommon for a contractor to violate the technology, simplify the engineering solutions established by the project, as a result of which problems inevitably arise during the operation of the finished facility.
  • Guaranteed use of building materials and structures provided for by the project. An unscrupulous performer of work may, for selfish purposes, replace materials with cheaper ones of lower quality. As a result, the operational properties of the building are reduced, environmental standards are violated, not to mention the fact that the deceived developer loses money.
  • Budget control, no unjustified expenses due to incorrectly drawn up estimates of the contractor. This point is especially important, considering how often in construction practice there are cases of deceiving customers by deliberately inflating the price of materials and exaggerating the amount of work.